Please read the previous ninety-three sessions before you
try this one. This is no joke.
Stop your internal roof-brain chatter and drop the familiar
environment for a few moments before going on to the devastating
next note.
You did not do as instructed, did you?
Put a stop to your egomania for a few moments before going
on to the wretched next note.
Many embellishments of the common garden variety mind are
often considered by it to be a useful interpretation of this
particular note, but it could not be more wrong. In order to
correct all this, do not go on to the next note until you have
entered the real unknown for a few moments.
Again, the immensity of your stupid cop-out is immeasurable.
Back up and try again too enter the unknown for
a few moments before going on to the next dressing down for
your failure to do this.
If you are now perfectly clear that you are either unable
or unwilling to enter the unknown,
go on to the next note.
Avoid the unknown at this time
and give your fullest attention to the known for
a few moments before going on to the next challenging note.
You were either unable or unwilling to give your fullest
attention to the known as well. This
indicates that you do not know the difference between the known and
the unknown due to stupidity and
distraction. Face this before going on to the next note.
You failed to fully acknowledge your stupidity and distraction. It is predicted that you will not fully face this self-fact
either, so just go on and read the next note without hesitating
for whatever excitement or interest it can temporarily give
Imagine your greatest personal pleasure happening very soon
again before going on to the next note.
Now that you know you can give some real attention to some things,
enter the unknown and stay there a long time, after which you
should again imagine your greatest personal pleasure before
going on to the next note.
If you are still uncertain about the real unknown, totally
blank out your present situation with your eyes open for a
few moments before going on to the next note about the wild
Here are whatever wild rabbits you have in mind.
If you want to see how
your mind works, picture your wild rabbits as colored jet
black and running around madly on a very dark, moonless,
cloud-covered night in upper New York state in America where
Whitley Strieber met the “visitors”,
as he calls them.
Now picture Whitley Strieber
roasting one of these rabbits with his shot gun by his side
with a huge alien spaceship hovering overhead. Then picture
some neighbours calling the police and reporting a “UFO” along
with strange black creatures running around a bright fire
in the woods.
Enter the unknown sometime before
going on to the next note session.
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