Now look, if you are not trying to become
a more intelligent, aware and developed human being, just
go away and don’t
come back. Notes are only
for those who want to improve their consciousness, not for
arrogant stagnating smart-asses who just like to shoot their
mouth off everywhere they go.
Assuming that you want to improve your consciousness, this note
is here to encourage you to define better to yourself what
you mean by agreeing to “improve consciousness”.
Are you really conscious of
your consciousness?
Doesn’t that imply two consciousnesses?
If there is a consciousness that looks at an inadequate
but improvable consciousness, what is that assessing consciousness?
Can it also be improved? If so, does that not give
rise to an infinite regression of consciousnesses that wants
to improve consciousnesses? Or is it that consciousness
can get itself into a self-assessing and self-improving state?
If so, how does it do that? Resolve this before
the next note.
Do you want to become a fully enlightened superhuman
If so, do not go on to the next note
without clarifying to yourself what you presently imagine such
a state of being actually means. How can consciousness know
what superconsciousness is except
as something conceptually speculative within consciousness
as consciousness getting big ideas about itself? Do you understand
this issue? If you are merely believing in “superconsciousness”,
are you in a superconscious state of being? Before you
read the next note, ask yourself
if you want “superconsciousness” just because it
sounds good or makes you feel important about yourself. The
same with “enlightenment” and
becoming “superhuman” and suchlike.
All will be better soon if you will discover
whether it is possible to know yourself as a Knower of Self.
Is it truly possible to be absolutely objective about yourself?
What kind of Subject can be
an Object for
itself? Isn’t that identification with a body of
some dimension?
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