Notes are
always worth a shot when one is just plain bored and all
usual trips simply do not do anything at all. Your
present state of mind is perfect for the concept of suddenly
witnessing everything in
greater detail. Try to actually do it before you take
up the brilliant challenge of the next note.
Welcome back to Notes. How
was your trip?
Sudden confrontation with the right conceptual
framework can trigger an interesting higher experience. This note,
for instance, is about the Outer Ones who
traverse the Gulf between the
atomic universes of time/space aligned in cosmic molecular
chains. H.P. Lovecraft saw that and now you can see it
too, if you like. Try the story, The Whisperer
in The Dark.
We are confirming right here that the story is based
on a vast but concrete reality that few on Earth dare to treat
as a valid Extended Reality.
Since ancient times in Mexico , there have been
some powerful little people called the Rain Dwarves.
The famous curandero, Don Eusebio
even had a Rain Dwarf wife he created
halfling children with. There is far more going on in
Space and on the Earth than most of our terrestrial readers
want to know. Learn to acknowledge the actual existence
of the Rain
Dwarves. It is dangerous to
deny the Rain Dwarves. They
sometimes make deniers sick by projecting foul cave-air at
them. Be clear about this before the next note.
If you deny our Extraterrestrial readers,
stay out of Mexico because the Rain Dwarves don’t
like people like you one damn bit and you may not be able to
find Don Eusebio or his successor to cure you of the cave-air sickness.
Forewarned is forearmed. No brainy Anglo smart-ass Gringo
Puto belongs in Mexico, period!
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