This note
is here to inform you of something you will not accept where
it counts in yourself.
The truth is that you are stupid, heedless and unwilling
to follow good suggestions for your own betterment.
This note cannot help you because
you are too easily knocked off balance by sudden excitements
as well as your exaggerated emotional reactions to challenging
situations, which even include notes.
Will you allow this or any note
to tell you that both “good fortune” and “bad
fortune” as you define them for yourself are nothing
but useless imagination? There is nothing real about
your descriptions of such things. Your real
bad fortune is
that you cannot truly comprehend and accept this note.
Your present overall situation seems to be divided
between two or more factions that cannot really get it together
even though they pretend to. Evasion and complaint pervade
all activities. How can your situation ever become evolutionary?
Stuck people can only create future difficulty. But
your fearful insecurity will not allow you to fully register this note.
Freedom from the known, from the habitual patterns of mind
and body, requires the suspension of your wretched little physical
ego, not through death, but through shifting your assemblage
point, your consciousness,
to another position.
Your worry about the needed “shift” only
keeps you more intensely stuck. All you need is positive
thinking and positive action beyond your usual ruts. Will
you do these new things?
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