Your everyday physical self is obviously
tense, neurotic, herky-jerky, phony, artificial, pretentious
and inadequate.
Where it is not nasty, complaining or upset, it is baffled
and blocked-off from higher states and magical power. It
is a painful and useless self that makes getting through the
day almost an accomplishment. With a little luck,
there might be some good sex or an entertaining movie, but
somehow there is always a lingering sense of being stuck in
a dreary, debilitating pattern of dull routine coupled with
background anxiety. Are you willing now to see your everyday
physical self and its inner and outer states and behavior from
the higher perspective of your spiritual essence? Please
get stronger in the higher position before going on to the next note.
There is no need for you to endlessly cultivate
discouragement about your condition. However bad or difficult
it may be, a true learning journey will slowly pull you out
of it. Before you go on to the next note,
make up your mind even more to learn how to learn.
Something can indeed be done about your personal
improvement and progress. It can begin right here as
you encounter this wonderful
note of higher encouragement. It does however require
that you learn to drop your usual tired and failed approach
to personal aspiration. Your usual dead-end circuits
of assumption in your head have to be more fully questioned
and gone beyond. You need fresh spiritual discoveries.
Are you ready now to take some new internal steps of
self-questioning and subtler awareness coupled with some purification,
some cleaning-up of your act?
This note might prove
quite delightful to you if it can help you to laugh at your
own usual weakness, folly and self-deception. Will you
cheerfully allow your usual nonsense to come under heavier
See how often you can catch your neurotic outer self
in the act of being silly, blind or mechanical like a runaway
robot. Take a more prolonged look at your daily spectacle.
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