This note
is the beginning of a very unusual cognitive exercise. Try
to blank this note
out completely before you read the next note.
Blank this note out completely.
Blank this note
out. Blank this note. Blank this.
Blank. Keep it up! Blank! Blank!
Blank! Bang! Bang! Bang! Blank!
Blank! Blank! Very
good! You are getting the hang of it.
This note needs
to ask you if you would like another cognitive production
thing. If so, just try to remember the term “cognitive
production thing” which
is not to be confused with the idea of “cognitive exercise”.
Nonetheless, it would clearly be a kind of cognitive
exercise to understand and keep in mind something
that is actually a cognitive production thing.
Hmmm. So where does all that leave
us, I wonder?
O.K. Now you are required by this note
to think up a new reason for doing all this.
This fantastic note
contains a riddle about four different readers. Reader A
loves this
note; reader B hates this note; reader C is ambiguous about
this note; reader D is confused and uncertain about
this note. Which reader are you?
Answer this for real! You must choose
one of the four positions.
Here for the NEXT SESSION
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