This note is for extraterrestrial readers only. This is because the stupid Earth people will never even want to understand it. You know what they are like.
This note is for anyone but you. It is because you are an incredibly unique case of totally unusual mental illness. No one in the entire Universe has ever seen anything like it. How does it feel to be the most strangely insane and misfit human being who has ever lived? No one knows how you cope with being someone like you or even if you cope with yourself at all. Only you can say, if you know yourself at all, which is clearly doubtful. At any rate, the best thing now is for all readers but you to go on to the next note. Of course we all suspect that you will try to come along somehow so as to not feel too left out of everything, you poor wretched creature.
You know that ultimately insane person is trying to somehow read this note too, but of course will have the greatest misunderstanding of all.
There are plenty of Earth readers as insane, confused and unhappy as yourself, but even they will have a slight comprehension of what this note is really about, but you won’t because you are too far gone. It is easy to picture you suddenly bursting into tears of self-pity over all this or perhaps having one of your arrogant fits where you suddenly yell out, “Who needs these fucking goddamn shithole notes anyway?”
Face it: you do not belong here at all. You need to go back to some of your favorite sites where you get a little attention sometimes, even if it is insulting and makes you feel bad. How can anyone ever know how fucked-up you really are? Just try to blend in somewhere again. You might make it this time. Good luck!
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