Year Two

It is amazing how many people like to come and read the Latest Note Session who have not bothered to go through the previous sessions.  Such people are ridiculous and will gain nothing from all this.  There might be hope for one or another of them if they could question the assumptions underlying their choice to “skip ahead”.


This note is only for those who have been through all the previous sessions, but there are blind and stupid readers who still imagine they need to encounter a statement like this one without proper preparation.  When such blind, stupid and presumptuous readers come here without preparation, it is not our fault if those unprepared readers begin to have horrible nightmares they cannot explain or difficult emergencies cropping up suddenly in their lives.  Such things always tend to happen to proud fools who imagine their disharmonious decisions will not be punished.


Let’s talk about you now.  Forget the goddamn fools who keep swarming uselessly to this website with their premature readings of the Latest Notes.  Now go on to the next note without getting disturbed or upset about yourself.


This note requires an unreading rather than a reading.  Do you know how to unread?  You just forget whatever this was supposed to be about and move on to the next note.


There is no necessity in Notes for logical consistency. Indeed, there is nothing compatible here with giant squids, jellyfishes or The Sphere, so there is no linear connection with geometric shapes on the Sun.  Remember always that such phenomena are produced to mindfuck the stupid masses, not to enlighten you.









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