If you have not been through all the previous sessions, you are either a super-conscious extraterrestrial or an Earthbound ignorant egomaniac who cannot learn how to learn.
Some come here to attempt criticism of this note, so they get a kind of insane satisfaction at being mentioned. The one thing the cynical and critical hate the most is not being noticed when they try to give out their opinions and criticisms.
Some come here to attempt to emotionally join-up with this note, to identify with it and feel a sense of belonging to something intelligent. Whether they actually understand all this or not is not important to such emotional readers.
Some come here to this note to challenge and test their own assumptions about who’s who and what’s what in the world of new influences. Such people tend to remain confused and shallow.
Some continue to come here to this note to try and find their way in the Here and Now, but the Here and Now runs through the clutching fingers like water or even air. The subtle meanings cannot be contained in the material brain.
Herbert Marcuse in his excellent book, Eros and Civilisation, once said, “If work were accompanied by a reactivation of pregenital polymorphous eroticism, it would tend to become gratifying in itself without losing its work content.” Therefore, before you go on to the next session, you might want to review what kind of work you believe you have to do, as well as why you agree to do the work you do.
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