If you are not fully alive with a sincere heart, you are the same as dead already. Your theories, calculations and arrangements are nothing but the machinery of your physical brain. This note is not a clever game. Wake up or die!
Both your beliefs and your doubts mean nothing to me. I am interested only in real living. The entire purpose of all this has to do with Resurrection of Life in the human body while the body still lives. This must be done before it is too late.
This note is about direct living and experiencing. Try connecting with the direct in yourself. The next note is useless if you do not have a real current of life moving in your personal existence.
Stop your habit of being dead and chicken-shit; it just isn’t helping you.
If you continue to be stiff, self-defensive, dead and chicken-shit, nothing really marvelous will ever happen for you.
You were brought here to Notes by a greater power than your stupid choices. You truly don’t know what-the-fuck you are doing!
Do not go on to the next note if you are still dead, self-enclosed and chicken-shit.
When will you get the message that your usual boring and dead crap just doesn’t work? What Note will turn it around for you if you don’t want it turned around?
Hey, look, there was always more to see!
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