This note requires that you picture the inevitable result of blanking out after you read this note and before you read the next note.
Try to make a greater effort to see where you are going all wrong about all this.
What exactly was the real nature of your previous “greater effort”? Who-the-fuck do you think you are kidding? Do you have no cognitive shame at all?
O.K., let’s get you on to a new track in all this. If you feel ready, try to find a good reason to delay your reading of the next note.
Did you know that some very famous people have become Note Readers? Yes! It supplements their cocaine snorting and sex-orgies. Isn’t it wonderful to know that you are doing something famous people do?
Did you know that the ghosts of some very famous dead people sometimes try to get themselves out of their unhappy after-life by reading “Notes”? They find it tough being unimportant on the Other Side.
You are very fortunate if you are an unknown and unimportant reader of Notes. This prevents you from becoming more of a stupid asshole than you already are.
David Icke says that the Queen of England shapeshifts into a reptilian who drinks the blood of children she murders in satanic rituals of the vile Illuminati. Even if he is right about that, it does not excuse him from being a silly New Ager with all that “Infinite Love” crap that he uses to stimulate mass emotional excitement and stupidity. Beyond the New Agers and the New World Order is the New Reality. Do you know the New Reality? I didn’t think so.
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