If you bothered to read the previous Note Session, Y2 # 245, you will be tremendously aware that I am sick and tired of virtually all the various offered Final Worldviews or Cosmogonies on this backward planet Earth. They just aren’t good enough. Earth is a planet of imaginary, half-baked alternative so-called “Realities”. The American philosopher, Richard Rorty, rightly criticizes these as “Final Vocabulary”. Unfortunately, he himself is an ignorant materialist still trapped in the false reality of rear brain holographic sensory common physical “Reality”, which is merely First Attention and First Paradigm. He questions all worldviews but the one he is trapped in. And there are plenty of others like him who need to seriously read Carlos Castaneda, Baba Muktananda and Lingayat Shaivism. In fact, a big dose of Chögyam Trungpa and Zen would also help. Why, hell, even the Theosophists have something. In fact, even Robert Monroe and the Valerian Matrix Five are slightly useful. Anyway, this note session is done with you for now.
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