This note is not some sort of peculiar offering to your surface brain judgments or thought patterns. This note is actually functioning in another dimension than the crude brain dimension you are presently stuck in. Therefore you have two choices:
One: Feel emotionally discouraged.
Two: Learn how to learn.
If you are coming to this note to learn how to learn, do not make it into a slogan (“Learn-how-to-learn”) but instead become more aware of the greater awareness that functions as a genuine inner Witness of your struggles to learn.
There is a possible real witnessing of your usual consciousness that comes with an unusually awake awareness. You are told this in a variety of ways as a compassionate transmission from beyond your understanding or recognition. This is more than a “note”. Try to see this.
This note challenges you to take a truly fresh approach to things of thinking, learning and consciousness, but remember that your material brain is full of tricky habits and false knowledge. It is not going to be easy to suspend you brain’s usual crap. You will need deep persistence and ever greater real awareness. You need a virtual fucking miracle, the help of some higher Power. You are too deep in grey, bubbling shit. Your case is virtually hopeless, as Chögyam Trungpa once said, which nobody in his audience actually understood, which explains why the Tibetan Transmission in America has turned into a silly farce that needs to read Idries Shah books.
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