When you try to live from your socially conditioned false conscience as to what is a good or bad way of being a neighbor or a member of society, you experience that false conscience as alternating guilt and fear. In the state of guilt or fear, which is stupid, unquestioning conformity, you have to remain stiff, rigid and tense, you cannot be flexible, spontaneous or relaxed, you cannot be natural and fully alive, you have to live as a dead person, you are afraid even to breathe fully and naturally as if you have wires tied around your lungs. With unreal conscience, with conditioned social conformity or false morality, you have to always act unnaturally and artificially in life according to some twisted rules that bend you out of shape. In such an unnatural, stiff and socially conditioned conformity, you cannot ever respond directly from real individuality to anyone, anything or any situation, but rather you must refer to the rules. Have you ever been awake enough to see what really happens to you in that way? Can you see that it is slowly killing you? Can you see how it is wearing you down and making you dull, mechanical, false and hypocritical in your responses? It makes you phony and dead; your responses or reactions become predictable like those of a robot. Out of guilt or fear you cannot be truly alive, spontaneous and unpredictable. There is always someone there who might get upset if you behave as a real human being, a creative individuality. Really look at this before you read the next note.
This note recommends that you awaken a deep resolve to replace false conscience and social conformity with consciousness. Resolve to be conscious, spontaneous, unpredictable and fully alive without fear or guilt about it. If you don’t make this revolutionary decision in yourself here and now, you are the same as dead already. Do not come dead to the next Note Session!
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