Notes are here for you, not you here for Notes. The purpose of all this is to remind you of your real inner guidance. Neither society nor other people can tell you now to live your life. You must tell yourself how to live. Your way of living must come from within the direct experiencing of your real inner selfhood.
Mere spiritual and occult ideas cannot produce direct spiritual and occult experiences. Think of how you will cross the bridge from ideas to experiences before you read another Note. Reading the menu is not a substitute for eating a meal. Too much confusion about which path is right for you can become a failure to walk an actual path of direct development.
The quality of your reading and meditation will determine the quality of your self-direction and self-realization. Connect the idea of quality to your action and experiencing.
Whether you know it or not, any deepening of intensity in your encounters with Notes and other far-out teachings will ultimately lead you onto an unknown but fantastic path of real occult adventure. None of this is a mere academic activity of the physical brain.
This Note is an obvious invitation to your hidden higher Spirit to descend into your brain and put a stop to its usual worries and opinions.
Any of your usual reactions to world events will be useless for both yourself and your world. Usual reactions are actually part of the usual world. The usual world controls you through your usual reactions to the world; it is the mental continuum of global insanity of which all reactive human beings are nodes.
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