Everything will go right for you in this note once you realize you are not the superficial hurried reader you thought you were.
Do not be afraid of any confusion you have in all this. When a note such as this arises in your consciousness, it gives you the sudden impression that something in front of you is actually behind you. Such confusion can become a quite pleasurable exploration.
If you enter this note consciously you will be able to exit from it without confusion.
The more you develop a cosmic perspective on your Earth situation, the more permanent will be the value of yourself for yourself. For one thing, you will be less of a psychological prisoner of a bunch of assholes.
The human condition on Earth is worse than you imagine. Who do you know who can read Notes the way they should be read?
Your present theory of Notes is not adequate, if you have even bothered to develop a theory at all. You cannot blame Notes for your own emotionally neurotic approach to all this.
What will you do about this note? Have another rush of egomanic emotion? Go dull and flat? Giggle stupidly? Make some sharp remark? Go bananas? Doubt your adequacy even more? Drop it like a hot potato and rush into the next note for relief?
Believing what you want to believe about Notes will only attract experiences you don’t want to experience. Stop abusing your possible learning process in all this.
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