When you sense that you are not in the right place in yourself or that you are not doing at a given time what you should really be doing at that time, that “sense” within you is called the Spirit. Your job is to stop suppressing and covering-up the guiding inner voice of the Spirit. Do not go to the next note without the Spirit informing you of how to approach all this in a much deeper and more real way.
This note is about any sufferings, any disabilities or sorrows, you still continue to go through in your life. Do you want to know more what they are really about? Increase the power of investigation of your suffering and do not just go on endlessly covering it all up for the sake of superficial personal planning. You may have to change your ways more than you let yourself usually know. Can you wake up to greater self-change rather than putting up with suffering?
This note is about something important that is still drastically missing in your approach to your daily life. Do you sense what I am talking about here? This sense-of-the-drastically-missing is the Spirit. Listen to the Spirit and you will discover what is drastically missing in your present approach to your life. What you are drastically missing is not greater respect from others, not more money and not a new exciting sex-partner. What you are drastically missing may very well be closer to something like the Heightened Awareness of the Nagual or the genuine raising of the Kundalini Shakti in your cognitive neuro-system or a more genuine and dynamic spiritual development. In fact, you might even be drastically missing an immediate Zen Enlightenment about what you are drastically missing.
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