This note would like you to take a different angle on the kind of mental effort you would normally make when told that you actually did not understand this note at all.
What kind of a Note-reader do you believe you are? Can you pinpoint where such a question makes you the most uncomfortable or evasive? This note requires something better from you.
Picture this note as a falcon you are keeping chained to a stake on the ground rather than letting it fly free. Your reaction to this note is the chain.
How quickly could you forget this note if it were more than just blowing your mind?
Hello. Do I know you? Whatever… Now get back to Reality and read this note with an inner position of impersonal truth.
If Krishnamurti were alive today and somebody were to show him some Notes, he would say that anything that provokes you to look directly at what the issue is requires an awareness without your memory bringing up previous Notes or anything else you have read. Would you understand what both Krishnamurti and this note are on about?
What is the most fascinating aspect of the last note in your particular mind? Will you let it go in the next note or drag it along?
This note has no connection whatsoever with Krishnamurti and his stale old writings and lectures. This note is Here and Now in your actual state of being? What in fact is the meaning of being-a-being? Keep Heidegger out of it as well. Look direct.
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