Would you like to join the Universal Note-Readers Psychic Network of invisible, anonymous superintelligent readers on trillions of planets throughout the Grand Universe? All you have to do is give yourself a real glimpse of how real this note is. Little do Earth-readers suspect.
This note requires that you see that everything is happening the only way it can all happen. This is Kevala Shakti, Absolute Power of the Absolute Being, Kevala Brahman. These are not mere concepts, but ultimate Realities beyond your local and pathetic Worldview. Get immediately clear about this before you read the next note.
Receive this very note as a cosmic communication and it will stun your mind when you see how true this is. We are not pretending anything whatsoever. We are infinite superaware beings of Cosmic Reality. We are nodes of the Notes Author.
Superficial Terrestrial opinions of Notes are obviously superficial and all too terrestrial.
If some superficial terrestrial reader wants to know why the Notes Author spends a few minutes each day to whip up another Note Session, try telling them that it can only be understood after all the Note Sessions have been eventually read by a real reader.
One good Cosmic Mantra worth repeating is the simple question, “Why do I hate the idea of beneficial mantras?”
Cosmic readers love Cosmic Notes for a Cosmic reason. Ignorant readers are mindfucked by Cosmic Notes for an ignorant reason.
This website is here for any reader who realizes that he or she needs to learn something through the Notes Experience.
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