If you could know how lucky you are to have this particular note provided here for you, you could immediately experience a genuine heightening of awareness. It would mean you are no longer a mere self-enclosed consumer seeking more stimulation.
There is a very special place in the Himalayas near Jamnotri, Uttar Pradesh , India , where Western seekers never go, so it therefore retains a pure, unspoiled Kaif, as the Sufis call it. Western seekers are virtually always self-enclosed consumers. They are the ones who brag about all the “great Eastern Masters” they have met, as if Very High Things have rubbed off on them, like a cheap string bragging about all the pearls that were strung upon it at one time. But what is such a string worth when the pearls are no longer there? Make sure you understand the implications of this note before you read the next note.
Self-enclosed consumers imagine they are great spiritual seekers who have had important meetings and experiences. They believe their social self has been stupendously enhanced to where we should all want to hear their story and get their advice about all this. In the Real World of Spirit, they are nothing. Even Notes cannot help them. They are too far gone in their social expansion. They wear their exotic outfits and develop their Guru act. They have not yet even entered the Way, let alone completed it. Beware of your pretentious social self, for it is not the evolutionary self that develops in and as the Spirit Self. The Spirit Self is Purush, it is Atma, it is the Godself, the true Monad, the Real Self-Nature of Zen. If you are greedy and selfish, if you want to be a famous miracle-working show-off or an intellectual self-styled expert on the various schools and traditions, you are nothing and we cannot help you.
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