I am trying very hard to reach you with higher, superconscious understandings and cosmic perspectives in all this, but you have emotional disturbances alternating with dull, self-enclosed complacency. These conditions prevent genuine receptivity and learning. Can you give yourself at least a slight glimpse of these two personal blockages in yourself before you read the next note? You won’t regret it.
Will you allow a new kind of effort to awaken in your consciousness in all this? If so, get into it at least a little before you read the next note.
In the light of your emotional problems and your usual dull complacency, you can hardly expect any dramatic personal breakthrough into a higher dimension of existence. Resolve to be patient and thorough in your learning before you read the next note.
Form a truly new opinion of Notes! Do this for real before you read the next note. Do not let yourself off the hook about this! You cannot afford to remain in your usual ruts about all this.
Does your new opinion of Notes allow this note to be about a possible new opinion of yourself?
Form a truly new opinion of heavy sexual intercourse with more than one person. Do this for real before you read the next Note-session. Do not let yourself off the hook about this! You cannot afford to remain in your usual ruts about your sex-life.
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