The external news of the material world
is nothing but an increasing mass of updated bad news, but
the internal news from the cosmic center within the core
of your being is always fresh, promising and uplifting. Listening
to the Inner Cosmic good news is a highly recommended corrective
of the wretched news of the outer world of sick and ignorant
humanity and their insane leaders. Before you read
the next note,
ponder deeply and cheerfully the following Cosmic news broadcast:
is a way up and out of humanity.”
Everything that has gone wrong with your condition
has been caused by your own petty darkness, but you can happily
unmake all that is wrong with you by applying inner wideness
of spiritual light. There is no limit on what an awakening
inner light can do for you and for the good of everyone your
life touches.
You make mistakes in your efforts at spiritual
progress. Everybody makes such mistakes. But it is better
to make mistakes than to have no spiritual progress at all. This note
wants you to wake up a sense of spiritual progress that simply
corrects mistakes when they are detected rather than trying
to give up on your higher development. You must not use
mistakes and failures as excuses for spiritual laziness. The
quest for superconsciousness and personal transformation does
not require perfect performance. All it requires is that
you learn from
your mistakes and keep working upwards into greater light and
better motives.
The wonderful thing about this note
is that it appeals to the little bit of inner wholeness you
already have, which will become greater and greater through
your recognitions of it and how its growth really works within
your being.
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