News Flash: An Alien Invasion Force is
gathering on the far side of the Moon.
back to Notes.
Sooner or later almost everyone will have to read this note
or something like it, but we may be talking a million years
on a planet like Earth.
This refreshing note
is one of the many that are contributing to your cosmic evolution. Are
you fully aware of what this refreshing
note is actually refreshing?
God made you read this note
the way you did. It isn’t your fault.
Would you like to prevent some peculiar aspect of this note
from reaching your inner mind?
When you are reading a note such
as this, you do not have to accept
any nonsense from your usual everyday mind.
There is a Higher Power that helps you through this note
to struggle toward a more wise and intelligent assessment of
all this.
How much psychic energy do you suppose could be placed into
a note like this one?
Since it is the perfect thing for me to
write this note, it might be the
perfect thing for you to understand it.
What do you suppose is really going on in your life immediately
after you read this note?
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