The time has come for you to think more
observantly about the way you usually think. This note
is therefore an opportune moment, so you might as well also
think more observantly about how you handle “opportune
moments” before you trash the present opportunity and
tumble uselessly into the next note.
There is a Consciousness that is not your
usual ruts in your cognitive neurosystem. What you
normally call your “consciousness” is
all too frequently a mechanical reflection of
Consciousness in your cognitive neurosystem. A robot
could be built that would think, speak and act just like you most
of the time, just as in the Steppford movies.
How do you feel about that?
Think more observantly about your automatic pseudo-consciousness
of your automatic pseudo-self before you read the next note.
This note is a teaching,
so put yourself in a learning attitude
immediately without your usual stupid resistance or egomanic
emotional reaction. This is very important for you. No
one has to remain an unteachable asshole. Are you getting
the message? Good. Now get on with the next note
at your fucking convenience. Be sure to continue observation
of your stupid reactions to all this.
It is always a wonderful feeling to see someone
of your great awareness and wisdom considering to read some Notes and
pass judgment on them. We humbly apologize for not giving
you an e-mail address for receiving your astute criticisms.
Perhaps you will now learn telepathy so as to not remain
frustrated in your attempts at communication.
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