What is it that is the same whether you
find it deep within the Earth or high in the Sky? Try
to identify it before the next note.
To identify in this case implies
a direct experience and not the mere
forming of a concept of that sameness.
What is the most incredible direct experience you can have
immediately upon hearing this question?
Is this just
a “note” or
something else as well?
Will you accept a little hint from beyond about this note
as to its power of suggestion?
Do you know where this note
is really leading? Is it useful to your present Purpose?
This note is more
than something merely in your mind precisely because your state
of mind effects everything in your life and your existence. This note
has become slightly part of your mind. Do you understand
how anything that
enters your mind has a partial effect on everything in your
life and your existence?
This note is about your rather
peculiar understanding of all this.
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