This (or any) Note is not actually rough or difficult once you decide to receive it in that place in your being where understanding and self-awareness are the same.
Your occasional struggles with Notes like this one simply reflect your frantic attempt now and then to bring all-fulfilling Real Life to your doorstep, which effort, of course, is what keeps It away!
Imagine what your everyday life would be like if you were to never again fall into the mechanical hypnotic sleep of flat and boring dull normalcy. This Idea of an Energetic Heightened Awareness is no mere “Note”, but a real invitation.
It is quite possible to observe the madness of the world of non-Note-readers without having anything much to do with it but the functional minimum.
Just as you should try to be fully aware in the Here and Now when listening deeply to this Note, you should do the same about any activity, event or encounter in your everyday world. Instead of inwardly sleeping your way through Life, be ever awakening higher awareness.
Let yourself be so stimulated by both Notes and other evolutionary teachings that you can refuse to ever again lie in bed, night or morning, permitting mental movies about threats to your well-being and spiritual progress. Learn to see the falsity of the existence or so-called “life” of both personal enemies and the government, both of which are mindless, empty puppets of evaporating, meaningless Karma.
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