Shakti, Power, Who arranges the strange coincidences you sometimes experience and wonder about, has now brought you to this Note to tell you about Herself in a way you may not so easily forget.
When you are reading, listening or thinking about this (or any) Note, try to see directly where and how you are getting the power to do it. You might have a truly amazing Awakening. Who knows what might have been arranged for you if you are alert.
You know you could not have planned to go into a Note quite like this Note, which is spontaneously emerging in your own peculiar Here and Now, which is becoming part of what you are.
You might want to see that you have become too much like a driven, pressured, human rat running through the maze of the outer tense and superficial world of curiosity, anxiety and idle chatter. If you will simply stop running now and then without any expectation of something wondrous or miraculous as a reward for stopping, you will learn something important for your Notes-Learning-Process.
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