You need a radically new way of experiencing Notes. You can make your radical new beginning by confronting this Note from another dimension of your continuous Awareness-of-Being. Try thinking, for instance, with the cosmic objectivity of a hyperintelligent Alien. Go beyond the people of your particular planet. Suspend your organic neuro-conditioning. Take a leap out of your cognitive ruts of belief and disbelief. Make sure it is a real leap. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, LEAP!
Are you radically different in some way now?
This Note is emerging here and now in Munich, Germany, but tomorrow We will be moving on. We are Cosmic Gypsies, Shiva-Shakti Tantrics. Notes are only one little part of what We do, yet they are a service We enjoy doing. Keeping the right balance is very good.
Time is a dynamic causal multiple feedback system reflected in your physical brain. It is physically subjective and non-dual. Thinking runs on the fuel of new knowledge being consumed in the fire of Being Here Now. Therefore, Wei Wu Wei/Terence Gray has rightly pointed out that all we can say about the Phenomenal Absence of our Noumenal Presence is Am This Here Now. The sublime purpose of repeating such an Existential Mantra is to keep us in an individually Timeless and Spaceless non-duality (AM THIS) upward inhalation and directly experiential (HERE NOW) downward exhalation for a quasi-Zen Cultivation-of-Essential-Nature and quasi-Taoist Cultivation-of-Eternal-Life.
All-out selective wife-swapping with clean bodies and sensitive, appreciative emotional generosity in a small group of two or three couples can be intensifying punctuation of the Divine Message of Ecstasy. Without the Sex Magick of Tantra, people are petty. One day, groups of Cosmic Gypsies will travel to the stars in Pan-ships as predicted by the sci-fi author, Greg Bear. Unworkable and stupid, sneaky and dishonest old moralities will be happily shed in favor of the new liberating ethical sensitivity of honest, loving and more enjoyable, natural sex. Purity of body, mind and heart through correcting bad habits will be the right disciplinary sacrifice through Agni Yoga. Give up smoking and take up Real Sex! “Make Love, not War”! On this Holy, Healthy, Horny and Happy foundation, build the Zen-Yoga Temple of Superconscious Immortality. Without this full-blown Real New Age, there is no real evolutionary future for the human race. Get-the-fucking-Message! Become psychologically guiltless, fearless and generous. Transcend all governments and religions! Liberate your Heart into Divine Being-Awareness-Bliss. Learn all-fulfilling personal and real Supramental Transformation beyond Aurobindo! Learn how Padma Sambhava the Death Defier does it.
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