The Pines-of-Nether stand as silent Sentinels in the dark unknown of this Note. Night has fallen like a black mist on this Cottage-in-Germany. The mood here has become somber, brooding and weird. Wish you were here! I know this is your kind of space, whether you are aware of it or not. Are you not a star Note-reader?
As Wei Wu Wei would say: “The seeker is the sought.”
Would you like to walk through the Twilight Crack Between The Worlds? If so, why? If not, why not?
Sequential time is the mobile manifestation of Timeless Space, and the visual volume of Basic Space is the static manifestation of Spaceless Time.
Could you evaluate your unfolding life-time in a higher dimensional way beyond your usual hopes and fears?
This Note is about your most recently crucial psychological challenge in Notes.
How would you feel if this Note were to leave you and your trip completely out of it in spite of the obvious appearances to the contrary?
Before you go to bed tonight, first be more aware of unusual or alien entities than you usually are. Then focus the sounds or speech they are uttering. Then learn their connection with Notes.
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