You are really going to like how easily this Note lets you off the hook about something.
If you are unable to think objectively about this Note or subjectively about your readership, then see how subjective this Note is and try to be more objective about your readership. If none of these procedures work for you, then just have an intense intuition about all this. If that can’t happen for you, just throw up your hands in deep resignation and develop a gloomy feeling of personal inadequacy.
Do you suddenly find yourself here with the familiar sensation of facing another tricky Note?
If you and your main sex-partner share the profound experience of this Note, you will soon discover together that you have had more than enough of this Note already.
“To err is human”, as the saying goes, so do not worry about the next Note.
Give this Note a chance. You have a big opportunity here.
Think of this Note as one of my little jokes. There is nothing of real interest here for the average reader.
It is indeed unfortunate that most readers of this Note thought they were above average. They have very little scope or objectivity.
Face it! You are a below average reader.
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