This Note will be treated as significant only by our most gifted and devoted readers. As for the rest, they won’t know what-the-hell is the real point here.
However deeply you see the truth of your daily existence on Earth when you encounter this Note, you will still be all too predictably the same in your encounter with the next Note.
This Note is statistically lost in its own theme. The best way to understand the working principle of all this is to allow this Note to implode totally into its own Here and Now as this which you are.
Try to absolutely avoid doing anything whatsoever about this Note if you want to experience the Energy of Free Intelligence.
The way you read and think about this Note should harmonize with all future Notes you will have coming from within the dark unknown.
You “read” within a temporal succession of Notes contained within the intemporal eternal Here and Now of all Notes-reading you have ever done or will do. Notes, therefore, are not something you do over time, but rather they are moved in and out of the frame of your still-being-as-perception like frames of film before a movie projector, which is a focused beam-of-light. Your entire idea of Time-being-passed-as-your-life, which is your common existential assumption about yourself-as-a- body-being-here-in-the-world, is simply ignorance or veiling, covering-up, of your intemporal, timeless, presence as a non-phenomenal being. You do not go through all this as a bodily reader, but all this goes through you as this non-dual Noumenological Self you are. Nothing happens to you but you as your eternal Here and Now.
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