There is only one real way into the core depth of this Note and you cannot possibly find it because of your first interpretation. Just give up and go on to the next Note.
Connect the essence of this Note with the real meaning of your greatest fulfillment you have had so far in life. Then, take it a step further by connecting all that with the highest truth of this Note.
Pick out some object in your immediate environment at this time which you believe could symbolize the meaning of this Note. Then try to explain to yourself how that works for you.
What will you gain from this Note long after you have forgotten its words?
How much time have you got to discover the urgent significance of this Note?
When you find out that this Note is challenging you in an unexpected way, what will you need to do about it?
You were reading this Note too quickly to make the right sense of it, so now you don’t really care one way or the other. Is this not so?
There is a level of extreme awareness that can see perfectly what your opinion of this Note is wrongly becoming.
How long will it take you to decide that this Note has not got enough of “something” but without you being able to say what that “something” is? Isn’t that what you do when you are too distracted to give enough attention to a Note for full understanding? You may never discover how your mind actually works. Perhaps it only wants entertainment from what it encounters.
Shirdi Sai Baba used to say, “I give people what they want so they will learn to want what I want to give them.” Could this apply to the Entertainment Factor in Notes?
J. Krishnamurti once said at the beginning of one of his lectures, “If I may point out: this is not an entertainment.” Do you find this Note helpful in that regard?
This Note would like to stimulate your sex life so deeply that you wish as many people as possible would want to read it too. This, of course, is an obvious advertising method. Do you really know how it works? Perhaps your lovelife is going to have a wonderful surprise very soon. Do you like this Note?
Do you have the intuition that you (if you are an attractive woman) would want to be intimate with this Notes Author or (if you are a man) with this Notes Author’s beautiful, brilliant wife? If you do, what does that most deeply mean about your encounters with Notes? If you do not, what does that mean most deeply about your encounters with Notes?
This Note invites you to bridge the gap between Sex and Superconsciousness by looking at the Energy that moves from your lower belly to the back of your head and from your forehead to your lower belly. Now, since it is the same Energy in either case, what exactly is the real meaning of this Note?
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