A moment of true knowledge might occur in or around this Note if you as a real individual need for it to happen, which obviously means you do not have to make it happen.
A whole universe is at work behind the scenes for any genuine individual who is learning and spiritually growing on the Earth or any other retarded and unhappy planet. This Note is here precisely on behalf of your particular connection with the invisible but real universe.
I am in no hurry when I write Notes. To hurry is to disallow the natural creative flow of the Total Universe. So do not be in a hurry to find out your own deepest take on the problem of hurry. In fact, do not hurry through the aftermath of this Note. Pause and savor Absolute Non-Hurry, which is not rigid stillness. Can one understand anything in a hurry?
Arrival. What a magic word when one fully allows a total experience all throughout one’s full individual, unique presence, such as even arrival, at last, at this particular fleeting but not insignificant Note. Can you get a full taste of it?
When you read this Note as your most real and indestructible individual Self, Time does not have to stop. Time becomes the Power that takes your life where it should deeply and meaningfully arrive at any given Time. Do you fully understand this Note? The actual Time-flow of your real understanding is incredibly important for you at this Time.
This Note might have something really special for you if you will take a moment away from the usual superficial pressures of getting this or that done.
O.K. This Note Session is over, so you can start rushing again to get things done.
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