Some readers feel so isolated and cut-off in their most profound Note-experiences that their social frustration becomes more urgent than their spiritual life. Once that happens, the real point of this Note is lost. But there are also the self-isolating type of readers who are incapable of profound Note-experiences no matter how hard they try to get inside of all this. Such readers are existentially frustrated. They know they are not interesting people worth talking to about anything. Of course neither of these two types have a clue about telepathic ultraterrestrial or extraterrestrial readers who are secretly present in Notes.
There are some very clever teachings about time that say that the time you need to read and think over this Note is an illusory sequence of cognitive events. The only timeless factor in all this is your gullibility toward static multidimensional space.
Is it possible that you would be a more interesting and less boring Note-reader if you would make some effort to develop your Energy Body rather than trying to bluff through as a modern information-processing physical brain creature floating in cyberspace like a primordial jellyfish?
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