Subjective Reader and this Objective Note are two empty assumptions, each totally lacking in genuine reality. They make sense only in their rather obvious interdependence as appearances in your cognitive center that itself appears as your brain functionally dividing itself into a bi-polar consciousness which injects Subjective Reader and projects Objective Note.
The idea that you are a “Reader” reading this “Note” is a fundamental belief-system. Because this belief-system seems to hold up day after day throughout your life, you never have a reason to deeply question it and find out what is really going on, which could be rather shocking, upsetting or confusing. So the big question is: Do you want to explore a new position of consciousness in the Reader-Note continuum?
The real substance of your Subjective Readerhood and this Objective Note may be nothing more than if they were dreams or empty abstractions. Your cognitive center, dwelling in an unlocated metaphysical space, might itself be the essence of both. To transcend that cognitive center and see it objectively implies a noumenal subject, a Self of Pure Spirit beyond cognitive duality.
Take it as a working hypothesis that to strictly differentiate between you the Subjective Reader and this Objective Note is nothing but your brain playing its usual trick on you. Try to understand and directly realize that in the noumenal realm you yourself are the Essence-of-Reality beyond Reader and Note. The meaning enters the Reader because your essence-of-being is appearing as this Note. Hence, you are the secret and only reality of this meaning.
That Note and This Reader are the same as This Note and That Reader when we are awake in the Essence-of-Being. The meaning of such awakening is not comprehensible without such awakening. Otherwise you return to the habitual ignorance of you the Subjective Reader actively engaging with this Objective Note.
From the viewpoint of Noumenal Awareness, you can at any time cease to be a cognitive puppet of Ignorance, which means you can clip the wires that keep you dancing to the tune of Subjective Reader who is not this Objective Note.
This Note is about an obvious non-duality in your cognitive center focused in your brain that appears to be you-as-a-reader doing something about this-as-a-Note.
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