If you want to take your Notes Learning a great deal farther and more rapidly, decide now to do what is really right for you about Notes and have no fear of the consequences to your usual routines or old acquaintances. Rapid learning includes rapid outgrowing of people or activities.
Every aspect of this Cognitive Science is far more important than appears at first on the surface of all this, so learn to dig deeper for the rich treasures of cosmic understanding.
This Note encourages you to volunteer more fully to enter into all Notes so that you develop higher feelings about yourself and your cosmic possibilities.
This Note should demark for you a moment when because of Notes you are looking back on a world you no longer blindly live in or believe in.
You may discover that this Note is one of those kinds that often secretly confuse you, which tends to secretly embarrass you that you are just not smart enough. So what is to be done about secret confusion? Instead of getting confused about your confusion, see for yourself that confusion is not the right cognitive faculty for dealing with confusion. Clarity about confusion is the only way to handle confusion. This Note does not have to be confusing. Notes in general do not have to be confusing.
No matter how confusing any situation is for most people, you can be clear and different. In fact, you can learn increasingly that where you are O.K., everything is O.K., that there is a clear way through to where you need to be, whether others understand it or not, approve of it or not.
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