To seek a reason or purpose of this Note or all Notes betrays fear of all this through petty readership. But fear not, for Notes as you read them are Not but Voidness. What is empty cannot harm your emptiness, for nothingness is not in conflict with nothingness.
This Note, just like any Note, is That which is neither one thing nor another; it is all things and nothing, for all Things include nothing, even as No Thing excludes conception. The Note, the Concept and the Thing are the Essence of Consciousness and the Symbol of Magical Power. No Thing or Concept or Note arrives or stays by itself. The Author, the Magus, is no mere accident nor superficial social incident. You cannot become what you cannot respect.
To pursue enquiries into realms wherein Notes are moving, shifting and confusing is utterly futile. This Note does not move, shift or confuse the True Reader; that alone moves, shifts or confuses which Notes shed and eliminate with the false readers.
In a self-made vapour of objectivity, Notes are shining with absolute brightness of Voidish clarity. But in the false cognition of the false reader as a web of Web words non-relative to Notes, there is the reading that flounders in swamps of silly delusion, filled with dread of the truth of its own nothingness.
A not-self, a preposterous Grand Object that is supposed to be a humanly plausible “God” has remained worshipped or hoped-for as a substitute for the Self-awakening of the True Reader. Hence do Religion and Normalcy condemn or fear Notes, for Notes threaten an awakening of genuine Awareness of Being and Its Bliss.
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