Note-reading, like madness, is basically a state of mind. So is death! Death, as most people ordinarily think of it, is to be an event in the physical waking state of the sensory mind. No one can dream his or her own death because there is little difference between dreaming and death, for in both cases one is in the subtle body. Who or what would “dream of” death? Understand this Note or the next Note might drive you mad about Death.
Like death, madness is ever becoming, ever shifting and elusive, even ecstatic. In fact, for the mind, there is no death, but there can be a release of mind from the brain follies performed against Notes.
This very Note proclaims that deficiency of brain/intellect has no real bearing on Notes, which are back of all thoughts, beyond conception, unimaginable and immaculate.
According to Rajayoga, your consciousness is a mental illness that your transcendental awareness continues to suffer from. Various modes and phases of your consciousness, more subtle in your dreams or your death, sometimes achieve an unconsciousness or deep sleep. Even an occasional fleeting dissolution into a cosmic samadhi takes place in spite of the state of your consciousness. So, if you want Reality, encounter Notes with direct awareness beyond consciousness.
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