I am looking out over a vast, beautiful scene through a window in a house I had built near a mountain here in Serbia where I live part of the year, mostly in the winter months. It reminds me of my old establishment in Ancient China where I was well known as a Ts’an Master, Huai Hai of Po Chang. So, here I am, looking out on the landscape from my window in my study, which is lined with books on bookshelves. As I write, I am listening to some music, which is Wind and Mountain by Deuter, the German follower of my old friend and disciple, Osho Rajneesh, who was himself poisoned and killed by the C.I.A., which was a bad outstanding karma due to Osho Rajneesh having killed a man in his last life when he was Lal Shabaz Qalandar in Sehwan, Pakistan.
So, here I am, looking out over the landscape in central Serbia, listening to Deuter music. There is the timeless fact of a unity of my inner and outer awareness. Something is happening beyond merely writing this note or the previous note.
I like it here in the Balkans. I like it almost as much as I like my cabin on a lake in Scandinavia above the Arctic Circle, where I often stay during the months of Spring. In a way, you could say that I live somewhat like an elusive migratory bird, a Bird of Freedom. I like my privacy, anonymity and freedom.
I also have other haunts, which I do not feel like describing, though I can say that I usually spend a few days each Autumn in Saanen/Gstaad, Switzerland near where Krishnamurti would come each year. Krishnamurti was also an old disciple of mine, just like Osho Rajneesh. I like to pop-in on Saanen/Gstaad and keep things tuned-up. I consider it part of my job description as the “World Teacher” (wow!). But let us beware of all titles. Our own direct experiencing is everything. Nisargadatta of Bombay in India often pointed-out that our feeling-of-being as I AM is the gateway to Transcendental-Pure-Spirit-Being, the Ontological Direct-Awareness-Beyond-Consciousness.
This note is about I am here now. It is also about You are there now. Shall we commune in non-dual empathetic Reality? To do such communion means that we share the true meaning of direct experiencing behind all theories and authorities. This becomes a real transmission.
This note is about how my landscapes cannot ever exactly be your landscapes and your landscapes cannot ever be exactly my landscapes, even if we physically stand together facing the apparently same scene. My individuality is spread all over my landscape and your individuality is spread all over your landscape, just as Krishnamurti’s individuality was spread out all over his landscapes he described so wonderfully, both as J. Krishnamurti and his previous life as Henry David Thoreau.
I am ever moving through a big triangle in Europe for a cosmic reason. Try to understand this. Attune yourself. My whole process is itself a Note for you to read. I am even myself a Note, an unfolding mystery that is hard to decipher, just like the Godself of you and everyone everywhere in all universes, galaxies and solar systems. The Cosmic Plan for the Earth is unstoppable.
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