All false readers are accursed and futile! They are sent away who never arrived. Your task here is to know the True Reader within Yourself that at all times cannot be other than Itself, that cannot know any false act or state because It is Wholeness, Holiness, Unlimited Beauty. Shame on those who cannot see This.
Either sex can sexlessly enter the primary state of True Reading and Superawakening without suppression or renunciation. Man and Woman must seek inward and pierce the deep center of Sree Yantra. Without fear, you must unveil the shrine of most hidden Desire and rouse the vague specters of Backward Darkness in the Abyss of the Heart's Roots that you may know the beginning and the end of all falsity of self and its frustration over Time in the Unknown Universe of Space.
Over Time your progress has transcended many dark karmas, but not the darkness of Time Itself. With wings you can believe yourself once endowed as a dragon of the primordial depths of long aeons past. This Note invites you to a deep review! Have wings Now, and Horns! You shall have more in the Backward Darkness, but do not invoke it if you do not stand in the Godself as a True Reader. For the false reader of causal soul, the Backward Darkness awakens the soul-eaters. One should not fall where one has not the power to rise.
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