This Note wants you to face it that the usual surface personality of normal unevolved people has no interest whatsoever in Notes or anything else that might disturb its utterly ignorant delusions.
Falsely happy readers of Notes wrongly feel empty without their social struggles to be popular influencers. Such insanity inevitably resists Reality's offered cure.
You tend to reject many of the rescuing ideas in Notes because they agree with Higher Truth rather than with your habitual nature. All you have to do is see this now and stop deceiving yourself.
The minute you challenge even one assumption about yourself or something you do a lot, you take a real step toward personal power and liberation from dull normal humanity. You should be grateful for any Note that helps you do this.
Clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and considerings of superficial results, such as how many visitors you get to your Website. In such new clarity and personal power you will be astonished at the number of unnecessary thoughts and considerings there have been in your life over various nothings.
This Note offers you the possibility that you can deliberately divest yourself of your usual worries or considerings and explore new, strange and unfamiliar conditions or zones of spiritual adventure.
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