Your approach to Notes remains mostly superficial and useless. Try to see why you really do need to be told things like this.
Your pathetic little mind is useless for even feeling bad about what you do with Notes. You just haven't got it. So be content to admit to yourself that you are just coming along for the hell of it and the occasional insight you accidentally get in spite of yourself.
There was once a total asshole who looked way ahead and accidentally read this very Note without having been through the previous sessions as if the asshole could “understand where it is leading” through a random sampling. And then the asshole even got angry believe it or not, “for being called a total asshole”. That's right! The total asshole proved they were a total asshole!
Virtually all readers who come briefly to Notes are total assholes who cannot handle the truth of themselves and thus make emotionally blind assessments of Notes, the vast majority of which they never read, let alone understood. Alas, such is human nature on the fucked-up planet Earth.
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