Only real inner silence can fully hear the real message in Notes. Those who try to read Notes with their inner noisy self-babbling only hear the interpretations given by their self-babbling.
A new and healthier experience of Notes will occur if you will stop taking sides with your usual opinions and present interpretations. You don't know what you are doing with all this, which prevents the real benefit.
Stop imagining that you control what happens to you in Notes or anything else in your particular destiny. Stop refusing to see what a puppet you are if you want to learn to stop being one.
Look harder at how imagination imagines it can and does control what happens in Notes and everything else. Imaginary control is obviously no real control at all. Face it!
If you want to make really deeper progress in your learning from Notes, wake up that demanding personal domination over outer events just means you lack any real inner control. Real inner control means, for instance, that it does not consist of suppressing upset reactions but rather to not have upset reactions at all because you know they are mechanical and unconscious with zero free will.
Just as a donkey stabled in a library has no interest in books, people of imaginary control are not interested in studying real control here in Notes or anywhere else.
The larger the crowd on the Web forming judgments of this Website or that Website the less control they have of their opinions or reactions, just like the violence of mad mobs.
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