Your whole future on Earth depends in a certain sense on how you react or do not react to this one little, seemingly important or unimportant Note.
There is no reason to avoid any aspect of this Note that makes you uncomfortable about some aspect of your being here at present.
Try to stop deceiving yourself about something you do or do not want to learn through this Note Process.
How would you describe the way you are or are not caught up in this particular Note?
How soon would you perhaps like this Note to go away and not create any problems or challenges for you about your attitude towards Notes in general?
You will soon enough discover that Notes are slowly increasing your learning ability in a different way than you think. Oh yes indeedy deed! I mean, hey; Check it out.
This Note does not contain a hidden puzzle for you to solve, unless of course it is deliberately lying to you for some reason.
It is good that you can put the previous Note behind you and read a totally straightforward piece-of-shit Note like this one. Is it not so?
What will be your real opinion of this Note when you are truly done with it? Do you understand what truly done means? Do you understand what a real opinion is? Where are you really going with all this? Do you understand your genuine self-education needs?
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