A dozen normal emotions and superficial plans are inner betrayers that will try to tell you why you should not take the new spiritual path being revealed to you through Notes.
You cannot benefit from Notes or any invitation to higher human development as long as you believe in your present artificial happiness. The solution to this problem is to see for yourself that artificial happiness is just a belief about it and that you cannot actually feel or experience it as happiness.
If you want to make it to a real spiritual refuge or harbor, remember that a false and wrong refuge or harbor will always feel false and wrong, while the real spiritual harbor or refuge will feel real if you are real and right in yourself. Unreal, wrong people cannot really feel anything and have tortured doubts.
So-called “spiritual seekers” invariably have the ruthless habit of truth-twisting in their pursuit of sex, money, security or influence-over-others regardless of how extensively they have been reading Notes or their favorite spiritual or occult books. As long as the self-deceiving human brain is the center of attempted human development, all that is going to happen are selfish arrangements that do not really work. Are you prepared to wake up to the truth of all that? Or are you just another clever New Ager?
You may succeed in appearing spiritually real and significant to some other people, but it will do nothing to make you feel spiritually real and right within and before yourself. The problem with pretence is that it secretly tortures the pretender until the pretending stops.
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