This Note would like you to not rush quickly through it. You need to deeply understand and never forget that any real inner change is extremely subtle but intuitively felt as definite and real as a strange new solidity in your Soul or Causal Essence.
Genuine inner development proceeds as swiftly as you voluntarily learn to perceive and give-up wrong methods of development that are failing to develop you. Do not go to another Note if you do not yet suspect that this is an urgently important issue for you. We cannot help you if you stupidly believe you know what you are doing in your spiritual learning and development.
This Note wants you to settle all this for once and for all by realizing there is no way out of sick society except self-change through self-study. Do not read the next Note unless you sincerely agree with this.
Make every discomfort you experience in Notes your own personal signal for gaining insight into what the discomfort is actually about.
If Notes are bringing you seemingly toward something like a nervous breakdown, it simply means you are actually on the verge of a spiritual breakthrough that will take you beyond the dull stability of normalcy.
Start getting used to the idea that you are what you really are, not what you socially imagine you are. Nothing can be happier or healthier than to truly see for yourself that you do not exist as the self-described person of your imagination. The more you learn to remember your cosmic self-nature, the more you will be free from the stupid judgments and reactions of outer social selves and their imaginings about themselves.
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