To make further progress in the Cosmic School of Notes, learn to say to yourself every time you come here: “I read all Notes only according to my present level of comprehension”.
Anyone who gets angry, upset, self-defensive or evasive when Notes challenge his or her beliefs, definitely has erroneous beliefs that need correction with new and better knowledge.
Notes are here to empower your Spirit. Power of the Spirit depends on the kind of knowledge and understanding you contain in your being. What point is there in knowing normal things that are useless to the Spirit? Normal knowledge will not enable you to walk the Path of the Void and encounter the Unknown.
It is not the purpose of Notes to make you dwell excessively on your everyday personal ego or its social position on the Web or anywhere else. The social self is deaf and blind to everything else. It becomes too nervously exhausted to see the incredible and magical things we are surrounded by.
The main blockage to your learning in both Notes and Life is your feeling of social self-importance. Social self-importance makes you heavy, dark and awkward. You can have real learning only when you are light, free, luminous, aware, fluid and viable.
Notes, Existentialism and Mexican Nagualism all have something in common: Only keen awareness of your inevitable death will take you beyond your social self into the authenticity of your Spirit Self and a real magical life.
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