Only a small number of readers can immediately learn what is being taught in Notes. Most readers, regardless of their opinion of themselves, will have to be exposed to all sorts unwitting experiences and reading around in random books until their inward perception can connect with the Notes Transmission or learn directly from someone like the Notes Author.
All approaches to spiritual subjects or even to a cosmic teacher, such as Nisargadatta Maharaj (or even your Notes Author), who are reported to be surrounded by miraculous events, usually start with a personal desire for attention for attention's sake rather than a real willingness and ability to learn. However they start, they should avoid ending up in this manner.
Study the assumptions behind what you do about Notes or even the Notes Author. Then study the assumptions behind your assumptions.
You have come a long way through Notes, but you do not know in what way or dimension that is true. However, you also have a long way to go and you do know what that means.
The man who knows (such as the Notes Author) must discharge a function for the sake of the potentiality in others. But those who do not really know cannot arrogate a transmitting or teaching function for themselves even if they try to do so. Notes and the Notes Author have arisen for a cosmic reason at this time on the planet, which cannot be imitated or assumed by the socially ambitious.
If you believe you are seeking a teacher, realize that you are not a real student and must learn how to be one. If you want to become a real human being, learn how to find a real teacher because your do-it-yourself approach is simply part of being unreal and remaining unreal.
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