Question any assumptions you have about this particular Note. This means you would have to question first of all what you assume it means to have assumptions, which is itself The Mother of All Assumptions. You are obviously already failing to get anywhere real with the core self-inquiry here, which means you will inevitably drag your stupid crap assumptions into the next Note, which will prevent it from reaching you where it counts. You obviously have this chronic cognitive problem no matter what angle we take on it here in Notes.
This Note presents no real cognitive opportunity for anyone who is a basic self-enclosed daydreaming normal asshole. Such a useless reader has too many background neurotic considerings going on to look fully into a Note or anything else. Such a superficial reader is hardly more than an inwardly pressured and driven biological robot. Such a state is so common that it can hardly be considered tragic.
Whether you have an awakening of Superconscious Intelligence through Notes or any other form of Cosmic Zen is neither socially important nor divinely dramatic. Your particular potential is obviously mediocre and dispensable in the Total Universe of infinite races of humanoid individuals. Your own personal reaction to this objective information could tell you what is blocking you the most, but you would have to let it really reach you, which for some reason you never accept as a valid fact. With you, you are always just playing with ideas, as if what you believe or disbelieve is what matters. Clogged with assumptions, you live out your days as a meaningless clump on the edge of nothingness.
Take a risk: See your unimportance in Note-reading. Do you think other Note Readers give a shit about your potential? They're too secretly worried about their own insignificant and over-rated potential.
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