There are some outstanding issues about your being that are not covered by Martin Heidegger's book, Being and Time, nor by Nisargadatta's book, I Am That, nor by Wei Wu Wei's book, Posthumous Pieces, nor by A.E. Powell's book, The Causal Body, just to name some of the useful references for those who are apparently highly motivated to discover the full truth of being a human being. So, you are here and now being asked, what is the full truth of your being in the common term, “human” being? What kind of a being are you really for sure and forever? What were you before you were born, for instance? Your stupid brain was not there to remember you. When you die, your stupid brain will not be there to know about you or what you will be going through, wandering in the Bardos of disembodied mind. Are you in fact a mind?
This Note is about the immediate external environment of your Here and Now of your subcognitive processing plus your immediate internal environment of your present mental state. These two environments are only provisionally called “external” and “internal”, but there are cognitive and metaphysical problems about these things because of stupid assumptions in both your brain and your mind. So maybe you would feel more comfortable to just go on to the next Note.
Here you are Now at the present event in your life that is this particular fleeting cognitive and mental experience of this Note in what you might call you “consciousness”. So, what in fact are you and what in fact is your relationship with your “consciousness”? Are you merely a timespace causality consciousness? Are you a transcendental spirit of awareness of consciousness? What do you know for sure about your being?
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